Posts tagged cocoa
Swift Development with Cocoa

Our new book is finally out, in early release unedited ebook form! Today Swift Development with Cocoa was released by O'Reilly Media.

We're really proud of this book (which we wrote with our friend and frequent collaborator Tim Nugent), and now's a great time to grab it – O'Reilly is running a 50% off promotion on all the great new iOS 8-related books until 5AM PDT on 25 September 24!

The code samples for Swift Development with Cocoa are available on GitHub too, if you'd like to play with some Swift.

While you're at it, check out our friend Tony Gray's new book, Swift Pocket Reference – Secret Lab wouldn't exist without his encouragement and support, and he's written a damn fine pocket reference for Swift!

Stay tuned for more books, as well as the final release of these Swift books. Let us know if you have any comments on the early release editions! 

Swift Playground

Updated 12 September 2014: The playground is now updated for Xcode 6.0 GM! We'll be running a workshop on Swift at /dev/world/2014 as well, if you want to learn more!

We've been spending the last week learning Swift, Apple's new programming language. So far we're very impressed! We put together a playground to test out, showcase, and learn the new language and syntax. We thought it might be useful, so we've put it up on our GitHub

Let us know what you think! If you'd like to learn more about Swift, iOS programming, and even Objective-C (which you should still learn, in our opinion), check out our training!

Don't forget to check out our brief thoughts on WWDC 2014 as well.