Posts tagged swift programming
What's New in Swift 3

We're incredibly excited to share a new report (think: very short book) that we've written for O'Reilly Media. Our report covers all the latest things in Swift 3, the latest version of Apple's programming language:

  • a high-level view of Swift 3’s changes and new features, and learn how this version differs from Swift 2
  • the Swift Evolution Process and the full list of accepted proposals—including those not yet implemented
  • Swift 3’s changes to the language’s syntax, standard library features, and other areas
  • Swift 3’s use on the server, and use a simple program to learn about Swift’s use on Linux
  • further resources for learning about, working with, and converting projects to Swift 3

You can download the report, for free, from the O'Reilly Media website.

Building Swift Applications

We're running 2-days of online live training, through O'Reilly Media, and covering the latest in Swift programming.

We'll give you an in-depth introduction to Swift, the new language for developing iOS and OS X apps and services. We’ll focus on the latest stable version of Swift, together with the latest Xcode and iOS. We’ll start by getting up to speed with the Swift language, becoming familiar with its fundamentals, and then explore the details of Swift and its standard library, including some of its more sophisticated features. Using Playgrounds, you’ll get hands-on experience writing Swift code throughout the course.

Attendees will get a copy of our latest book, Learning Swift. The course is July 20 and 21, 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM PDT, and you can learn more and sign-up on the O'Reilly Media site.

Melbourne iOS Developer Training

Learn to build apps with us! We'll be running our fantastic 2-day iOS developer training in Melbourne next month! Join us on the 2nd and 3rd of May, and learn all you need to know for iOS development. Only a few tickets left! Everyone gets an electronic copy of our new  book, Learning Swift. Email us if you have any questions.