Posts in Apple
iOS Developer Training Workshop

If you're interested in attending our intensive 2-day iOS Developer Training Workshop in Melbourne, to be run in the Melbourne CBD on May 9 and May 10 this year, please let us know. When we open registrations, we'll get back to you with a discount code and further information. 

Our intensive 2-day workshop is designed for programmers who are proficient with any modern, object-oriented language, such as Java, C++, C#, Python, Ruby, or similar. No knowledge of Swift, Objective-C, or the Apple frameworks is required. This iOS Developer Training Workshop will teach the latest, best practices for iOS development using Swift.  

Our team has written more than ten highly regarded, popular books on iOS and Apple development, and has been teaching software development for Apple platforms for more than 15 years. You're not committing to anything by submitting this form.

Live Online Swift Training

This event has now passed, but we'll be doing it again in the future! Stay tuned. In the mean time, if you want to learn Swift, we recommend out brand new book, Learning Swift!

We're super excited to announce that, next week, we'll be running live online Swift programming training through O'Reilly Media. You can learn more and sign up over on the O'Reilly Media site.

The gist of it is: you'll join us live online for a day of Swift programming, where we'll teach you the language, how to use it for iOS (or OS X) programming, and where to learn more. Everyone will get a video of the training afterwards, as well as an ebook copy of our brand new Learning Swift book.

We're seriously looking forward to this! Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Bus Pal for Tasmanian Buses

We've released a new version of our very popular Bus Pal application for Metro Tasmania timetables. The app has all the timetables and route information for all the buses in Hobart, Launceston, and Burnie. 

This update updates the data to the latest from Metro Tasmania, adds lines to the map showing the bus routes, and includes a Watch App for the Apple Watch.

The Apple Watch App shows the time to the next bus and the route number at the bus stops you've favourited within Bus Pal. In the future we'll be adding a glance for even quicker access (we're trying to figure out the best UI for that at the moment).

You can download Bus Pal on the App Store.

Bus Pal is not endorsed by Metro Tasmania, and neither Secret Lab or Metro Tasmania warrant the completeness or accurateness of the data included.